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Potassium Polyphosphite | Healthy Crop Assurance

February 08, 2021 2 min read

Potassium Polyphosphite | Healthy Crop Assurance

Helping Cannabis Plants Defend Themselves

The amount of time and money invested in growing quality cannabis is staggering. And cultivators do everything they can to ensure their plants stay healthy. By incorporating Potassium Polyphosphite into your feeding regimen, growers can do just that, by helping their plants defend themselves against stresses due to insect damage, pathogens and abiotic stressors.

What is Potassium Polyphosphite?

Potassium Polyphosphite is manufactured in a one-step process by reacting Phosphoric Acid and Potassium Hydroxide together, creating a unique long 9 link chain, potassium polyphosphite molecule that ensures extended phosphite availability within your plants.

What does Potassium Polyphosphite do?

Potassium Polyphosphite provides a natural immune response in plants and is systemic by nature, moving the Phosphite molecule up and down your plants. This Phosphite molecule in essence, tricks plants into thinking it is under attack, triggering its Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR), giving your plants a better chance to fend off unwanted stress, illness and attacks from assorted fungal pathogens, like Botrytis, Fusarium, Root Rot and Powdery Mildew. And, these defense benefits may extend beyond the time of application, indicating a possible systemic ‘immunization’ effect.

Also, Potassium Polyphosphite contains high levels of Potassium that will systematically move within the plant enhancing the strength of the plant’s cell walls by attracting multiple enzymes involved in plant growth, preventing loss of water and minimizing drought stress to the plant.


Potassium Polyphosphite, when applied in soil for root uptake or as a foliar spray, can help manage specific soil borne and stress related pathogens, promote general plant vitality and enhance resistance to environmental stressors such as drought or water-logged soils. There are several popular products in the marketplace that provide these benefits. Compare their ingredients, percentages and cost and choose the product that best meets your needs.


scott doggett
scott doggett

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